The 4 secrets of IQ Option

And whenever I ignored one of the four strategies, my trading account suffered losses


Online trading has become popular in the market compared to traditional operations in stocks and currencies. No complex schemes are required, the learning curve is quick, and with the adoption of some strategies, you can make money.

As the popularity of this market grows, many brokers have emerged. Among the legion of similar companies, there is one that is particularly interesting.


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This site is created by fans of the platform. Not by IQ Option is a content hub that contains various training materials on the IQ Option trading platform. The main objectives of the site are: to provide users with the latest news about the broker and to assist novice traders in finding proven strategies that will help them understand trading and improve their trading skills.

Our mission

We strive to make one of the best educational portals, filled with materials and guides about the IQ Option platform.


João Pedro

I have 7 months of experience with binary options, most of this time on IQ Option, and I recently discovered Binário Invista. The main differences I’ve seen in the content of this blog about IQ Option are that it is free and still cares about offering quality content without deceiving people, unlike most traders out there.

Isaque Lopes

Accessed Binário Invista’s blog by chance while searching for content about IQ Option on Google, and I don’t regret it. Excellent material, and best of all, it’s free. I have applied some of the tips and teachings, which have helped me become more consistent in the market. I simply stopped losing money on IQ as I used to. Thank you very much, Binário Invista, you guys are great. Keep it up and keep posting more.

Mathias Dias Fonseca

I think Binário Invista’s blog is quite new, and it’s amazing how quickly they stood out in the crowd. I have always searched for this type of content online before taking courses, and I was almost always disappointed because it’s often just course selling and poor content. I continue to follow the blog and put into practice on IQ Option the tips that this duo has been providing for those with less experience.

Let’s get to know each other


Author: Marcus Vinicius Cambiucci Filho


My name is Marcus Filho, and I’m 28 years old.

I enjoy understanding new tools and searching for effective and profitable strategies. Creating and maintaining is my hobby, as well as an opportunity to share my knowledge with beginners.

victor lima

Author: Victor Lima


Hi everyone, my name is Victor Lima. I’m a big investor and co-owner of

I started in the financial market in 2016 and have been living off of it since 2018. Along with Marcus, I founded Binário Invista, where we share our experiences, tips, and strategies for free to help you avoid the mistakes I made in the beginning.


Chief Editor: Carolina Oliveira


My name is Carolina Oliveira, Chief Editor of this site.

Every day, we work to ensure that you receive only legitimate and high-quality content when it comes to trading, binary options, and cryptocurrencies.

We created this site to help beginner traders find tested strategies that will assist you in understanding and improving your trading.

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Assim como não são todos que conseguem se tornar jogadores de futebol e atrizes de sucesso, também não serão todos que conseguirão ter sucesso no trading. Por isso, elaboramos um pequeno teste que irá ajudar você a entender se tem o que é necessário para ser um trader de sucesso
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Qual é o propósito do seu investimento?
O que você espera de um investimento?
Quando investindo seus recursos, você se sente confortável nas condições
Quando o preço das suas ações decolam, você sente
Qual proporção dos seus recursos você está disposto a arriscar
No seu tempo livre, você prefere
Em relação às suas economias, você tende a
Quando você pensa em um investidor de sucesso, qual das características abaixo ele possui
Ao Investir, você se guia por
Ao se aposentar, você gostaria de dedicar sua vida a
Se você receber um prêmio, é mais provável que gastará com
Você valoriza pessoas que
A um amigo que perdeu uma quantia significativa no mercado de ações, você diria
Qual cargo você daria para si em uma empresa financeira (levando em consideração que o salário para todas é o mesmo)
Você se sente mais confiante quando
Ao investir, como você prefere alocar seus recursos
Assessores financeiros são confiáveis
Escolha a afirmação com a qual você mais se identifica
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