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Does IQ Option manipulate my trading results?

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Does manipulation of results at brokers like IQ Option happen? We used our experience to evaluate the hypotheses that might suggest some kind of manipulation on the part of the broker. Check out our analysis!

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One of the biggest fears of anyone wishing to trade on the market is investing and trading on an unreliable platform. It is not uncommon to see users complaining about the manipulation of results in the various trading methods available on the financial market. In this article, our aim will be to understand more specifically whether IQ Option manipulates results.

In our opinion, it’s a really important concern to have and that’s why we’re going to share our experience with IQ Option, offering an analysis and what we think about the reliability of this broker.

First of all, in this type of analysis it is important to check the history of the company in question.

Does IQ Option manipulate my trading results?

About IQ Option

Does IQ Option manipulate my trading results?

IQ Option is a binary options broker founded in 2013 by a Russian named Dmitry Zaretsky.

It is one of the leading binary options platforms on the market today, with over 300 assets. You can also trade currency pairs, commodities, cryptocurrencies and more.

IQ Option already has more than 48 million users, from almost every country in the world, and a monthly turnover of more than 2 billion reais.

By the way, the payment methods offered by the company are very reliable, you can make deposits via cards such as Visa and MasterCard and even via the main Brazilian banks. However, our focus in this article is more on whether IQ Option manipulates results and that’s what we’ll talk about next.

Withdrawal problems suggest manipulation of IQ Option results?

One of the most frequently reported problems with binary trading brokers is withdrawal problems, and with this comes the first suggestions of manipulation on the part of the brokers.

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It’s not our aim to advocate for any of them, but from our experience it’s pretty safe to say that many of these problems are not related to any kind of manipulation or scam on the part of brokers like IQ Option.

Why can so many problems occur when withdrawing?

Does IQ Option manipulate my trading results?

For security reasons, all serious binary options brokers ask the user to carry out a registration validation, which involves sending documents and verifying relevant personal data.

This is done precisely for the user’s own safety to drastically reduce the risk of fraud and that someone else could, for example, access your account and replace your payment details with their own. Imagine the inconvenience!

Both registration and validation procedures are taken very seriously by companies like IQ Option and if there are any discrepancies, they notify the user and do not allow any type of withdrawal until the problem is resolved.

Unfortunately, many users do not understand this and suggest, for example, that IQ Option manipulates results and harms its users.

How do I solve withdrawal problems at IQ Option?

When registering with IQ Option, pay extra attention when filling in your details, making sure that all your data is correct.

Prioritize document validation and make sure that the photos or scans of the requested documents are legible so that it is possible to validate your data on the platform.

Of course, there may be other problems related to not being able to withdraw from IQ Option and if you can’t identify them, we recommend contacting support, which is available in Portuguese via chat and email, and is usually very fast and effective.

Does IQ Option manipulate the results on the platform?

Does IQ Option manipulate my trading results?

This is perhaps the point most often mentioned by those who suggest that IQ Option manipulates results. Some traders believe that there are mechanisms programmed to make a small oscillation in the price of the asset at the end of the trade, in order to make you lose.

What I find curious is that this type of oscillation at the end of the trade, which leads to a gain, happens statistically in the same proportion and, of course, no one complains or accuses IQ Option of manipulating these results.

First of all, it’s very important for traders to know that there is no certainty in the financial market and that in binary options, they can win or lose money in a matter of seconds, as in the case of a trade whose price is fluctuating close to the entry level.

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So instead of blaming the platform for losses, accept the fact that to be profitable in this market, you need to be consistent and that losses are part of even the top 10 ranking of IQ Option or any other broker.

Platform is crashing, could it be IQ Option’s manipulation of results?

If you’ve had any problems with the platform slowing down or crashing, we recommend checking that your computer, connection and internet browser are all OK.

The IQ Option platform is very lightweight and doesn’t require any advanced computer configuration to operate – in fact, you can also trade from your cell phone, if you don’t already know.

However, too many pages and programs running, an unstable internet connection and other problems can slow down the IQ Option platform (and other pages). So keep an eye on the performance of your computer and/or cell phone before suggesting that the platform is causing crashes in order to make money from you.

Observe and understand the IQ Option Payout

You may have noticed that each asset on IQ Option has a different payout, i.e. a rate of return for your trade, which will never exceed 100%.

Ideally, this would be a good thing, as it would indicate a better return for the trader. However, this would also be an indicator that IQ Option could manipulate results, because if the payout for the assets were 100% or more, its business model would become unviable in this case, and one of the ways to stay in the market would be to practice some kind of manipulation.

However, with payouts of around 80~90%, IQ Option maintains the profit margin it needs to run its operation and offer its solutions, and it’s up to the winning traders to overcome the payout disadvantage with a lot of study, dedication and strategies. And for all this, you can count on us!

After reading this article, you can learn how to trade with a demo account on the IQ Option platform and get to know the most interesting trading strategies.

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Risk Warning: The financial products offered by the company carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds. You should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Therefore, please be aware that we are not responsible for any losses incurred. All manuals and instructions are entirely free.

Until 2016, I worked as a cook in a small restaurant. I know very well how challenging it is to stand all day and receive a salary that barely covers the needs of a family. I ventured into trading with the goal of earning extra income by trading during my free time. Like most people, I had a difficult start, but fortunately, with a lot of dedication, I reached a point where I could resign from my main job and fully dedicate myself to binary options (with much improved quality of life).

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